This is a how to prepare your rambox to run nginx smoothly. It makes sense only after the preparation of the RAM-only PXE boot in my previous post. This post isn't about any kind of nginx optimization stuff beside of its compilation in a single binary rock. At the end of this guide, you will be running the nginx very much like in a jail.
Run these steps BEFORE the step "Change ownership to everything" at RAM-only PXE boot in my previous post.
- Download latest stable version nginx and upack it.
- Add options depending on the features that you want to support. Beside of the default options I only add static compilation options:
- Copy the nginx executable to rambox's /sbin :
$ popd $ pushd sbin $ chmod +w . $ cp ../../nginx/objs/nginx . $ chmod -w . $ popd
- Create /usr/local/nginx directories:
- Copy some needed libs:
- Copy mime conf file:
- Create the nginx.conf file with some basic settings:
- Resume the rambox creation process and once it gets started run:
$ pushd /tmp/wrk $ ngx=nginx-1.2.1.tar.gz $ cache $ngx$ngx $ tar -xvzf /tmp/cache/$ngx -C . $ mv $ngx nginx
$ pushd nginx $ ./configure --with-ld-opt="-static -static-libgcc" \ --with-cc-opt="-static -static-libgcc"make it (jN means N threads devoted to compilation and linking):
$ make -j2ensure that it's not a dynamic executable:
$ ldd objs/nginx not a dynamic executable $ popd
$ mkdir -p -m 0755 usr/local/nginx/{conf,logs}
$ chmod +w lib $ cp /lib64/{,} lib/ $ cp /lib64/{,} lib/ $ cp /lib64/{,} lib/ $ cp /lib64/{,} lib/ $ chmod -w lib
$ cp ../nginx/conf/mime.types usr/local/nginx/conf/
$ dd of=usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf << EOT # user and group to run nginx user www www; # numbers of dedicated CPUs worker_processes 1; # pid archive pid /var/run/; events { # max connections in WAIT worker_connections 128; # accept & enqueue NEW connections, put them in WAIT multi_accept on; } http { include mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; server { listen 80; autoindex on; location / { root /var/www; index index.php index.html index.htm; } } } EOT
$ nginx
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